American Investigator

Order Form


Unlisted phone number from name and address
Send us a name & address and we will find out an unlisted phone number associated with that name & address. Please include "Apt", "Suite", "Str", "Dr", "Blvd", etc, as well as "SW", "NE", etc.


Please provide the information requested below.

Your name:

Email address:

Requested: the unlisted phone number of the following person (name & address including Street, Drive, Blvd, etc, as well as SE, NW, etc, and Suite# or Apt#):

Number:    Street:    Apt:
City:    State+Zip Code:

This service yields one phone number associated with the name and address you specify. It does NOT mean, however, that the subscriber's name is always identical with the name specified by you. We will provide the phone number also in case the subscriber's name does NOT match the name specified by you, and there will be no refund in this case. So please do not order this service, if you cannot accept it.

Please review the information entered and make sure it is correct and complete. Then submit the form by clicking the "Submit" button. On the next screen, you will be asked to provide payment details. Credit card payments are processed through a secure server.

Submitting your order expresses your consent with our Terms and Conditions. In case of any problem or question please email us via our contact page. Prices in U.S. dollars. If you have any questions, please read our FAQ.

Please assume 1 - 3 business days for the search. (Some orders may take up to 7 business days.) If we cannot provide the information you are asking for, we will fully refund the fee paid. Please read the Terms and Conditions for details. Your name and email address are required for processing purposes only and will not be disclosed to other parties.

If you would like to pay by check or money order, please contact us via our contact page.



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American Investigator and are trademarks of Abibas LLC.


American Investigator - Research and Investigative Services